Northern Suburbs Basketball Association Inc ABN 87 062 251 400

Privacy Policy

1  Your rights in relation to privacy

Northern Suburbs Basketball Association Inc (Norths Basketball) understands the importance of protecting the privacy of an individual’s personal information.

This policy sets out how Norths Basketball aims to protect the privacy of your personal information, your rights in relation to your personal information managed by Norths Basketball and the way Norths Basketball collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information.

In handling your personal information, Norths Basketball complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) in the Privacy Act and all applicable privacy laws.

This policy may be updated from time to time.

2  What kinds of personal information does Norths Basketball collect?

Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified, or reasonably identifiable, individual. During the provision of its products and/or services, Norths Basketball may collect your personal information.

Generally, the kinds of personal information Norths Basketball may collect are:

(a)  contact and identification information such as your name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, driver’s licence or other types of verification details;

(b)  where you are acting on behalf of another entity (whether as an employee, director or other representative), details of that entity and your relationship with it;

(c)  sensitive information, including health information, where you consent to the collection of such information, where you are applying for a position with Norths Basketball and it is relevant to the assessment of whether you are able to perform the inherent requirements of the particular role, or the collection is required, authorised or permitted by or under law. This includes, but is not limited to, information regarding your COVID-19 vaccination status, health and fitness declarations, allergies and other pertinent health information;

(d)  images of players or spectators at Norths Basketball games and events;

(e)  Working with Children Check details where legally required;

(f)  information about the qualifications of individuals;

(g)  taxation information such as tax file numbers, tax declaration forms and ATO ‘hobby forms’;

(h)  bank details and/or information to facilitate electronic payments (for example, credit card details) for invoicing purposes;

(i)  where applicable information such as first aid;

(j)  superannuation fund details of employees;

(k)  when applying for a position at Norths Basketball, information about your employment such as previous employers and referees;

(l)  where you are the parent or guardian of a player, relevant confirmation/details of that relationship;

(m)  other personal information relevant to you being a player, team official, referee, manager or coach with Norths Basketball;

(n)  other personal information relevant to you being a volunteer with Norths Basketball;

(o)  emergency contact details such as phone numbers, names and relationship to individuals; and

(p)  other information required for you to access Norths Basketball’s products and services.

In some circumstances Norths Basketball may also hold other personal information provided by you.

3 How does Norths Basketball collect personal information?

Generally, Norths Basketball collects your personal information directly from you or your parent/guardian, through the completion of a manual or online form, an interaction or exchange in person or by way of telephone, email, video conference, post or through the use of Norths Basketball’s website.

There may be occasions when Norths Basketball collects your personal information from other sources such as from:

(a)  an entity you represent (including but not limited to your employer or a company of which you are a director), where necessary for Norths Basketball to provide its products or services to that entity through you or where necessary for that entity to supply products or services to Norths Basketball;

(b)  an information services provider;

(c)  a publicly maintained record or other publicly available sources of information including social media and similar websites, such as LinkedIn; or

(d)  if for recruitment purposes, an external recruitment, labour hire, or background screening services provider or third parties with whom you have previously worked.

Generally, Norths Basketball will only collect your personal information from sources other than you if it is unreasonable or impractical to collect your personal information from you.

4 Why does Norths Basketball need your personal information?

Norths Basketball collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information where it is reasonably necessary for the purposes of:

(a)  providing Norths Basketball’s products and services to you (or the entity you represent), including but not limited to the hosting of community basketball competitions, basketball training and sale of Norths Basketball merchandise and all associated purposes including:

(i)  to verify your identity and contact details;

(ii)  for invoicing and/or administrative purposes; and,

(iii)  to respond to any inquiries, feedback or complaints made by you;

(b)  enabling Norths Basketball to provide you with important information about its products or services;

(c)  enabling Norths Basketball to promote its products or services to you;

(d)  assisting Norths Basketball to improve its products or services;

(e)  identifying and informing you of other products or services that may be of interest to you from Norths Basketball or selected third parties;

(f)  processing and assessing employment applications for current and future positions;

(g)  your employment with Norths Basketball;

(h)  your engagement as a volunteer with Norths Basketball;

(i)  accounting, billing and other internal administrative purposes;

(j)  engaging and transacting with suppliers to Norths Basketball;

(k)  registration and insurance;

(l)  running competitions;

(m)  participating in and complying with disciplinary or sporting tribunal processes;

(n)  otherwise managing Norths Basketball internal business operations and processes; and

(o)  complying with legal requirements.

Norths Basketball may also use your personal information for purposes related to the above purposes and for which you would reasonably expect Norths Basketball to do so in the circumstances, or where you have consented, or the use is otherwise in accordance with law.

Where personal information is used or disclosed, Norths Basketball takes steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure it is relevant to the purpose for which it is to be used or disclosed. You are under no obligation to provide your personal information to Norths Basketball. However, without certain information from you, Norths Basketball may not be able to provide its products and/or services to you.

5  To whom does Norths Basketball disclose your personal information?

Norths Basketball discloses your personal information for the purpose for which Norths Basketball collects it. That is, generally, Norths Basketball will only disclose your personal information for a purpose set out at paragraph 4. This may include disclosing your personal information to:

(a)  third parties engaged to perform administrative or other business management functions;

(b)  Norths Basketball suppliers, professional advisors, agents, contractors, consultants and related bodies corporate;

(c)  insurance providers;

(d)  regulatory bodies if and as necessary, including police and other law enforcement bodies, and during audit processes;

(e)  partner organisations;

(f)  competition organisers;

(g)  Basketball NSW;

(h)  Basketball Australia;

(i)  sporting tribunals;

(j)  third party providers as necessary to facilitate invoicing and payments; and

(k)  as required by law.

Norths Basketball’s disclosures of your personal information to third parties are on a confidential basis and/or otherwise in accordance with law. Norths Basketball may also disclose your personal information with your consent or if disclosure is required or authorised by law.

6  Overseas disclosures

Norths Basketball is not likely to disclose any personal information to overseas recipients.

However, if Norths Basketball becomes likely to disclose personal information to any recipients located overseas, Norths Basketball will update this privacy policy regarding the likely disclosures (including, if it is practicable to do so, the countries in which such overseas recipients are likely to be located).

7  Direct marketing

Norths Basketball may collect, hold, use and disclose personal information in order to inform interested persons or entities of products and services offered by Norths Basketball or to facilitate business relationships.

Individuals can opt-out of receiving marketing communications by contacting Norths Basketball on the contact details set out in paragraph 11 or through any opt-out mechanism contained in a marketing communication.

8  Security of your personal information

Norths Basketball takes steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that the personal information it holds is protected from misuse, interference, and loss and from unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure.

Norths Basketball holds personal information in both hard copy and electronic forms in secure databases on secure premises, accessible only by authorised staff.

Norths Basketball will destroy or de-identify personal information on request or in circumstances where it is no longer required, unless Norths Basketball is otherwise required or authorised by law to retain the information.

9  Can you access and correct the personal information that Norths Basketball holds about you?

Norths Basketball takes steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure personal information it holds is accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading. Under the Privacy Act, you have a right to access and seek correction of your personal information that is collected and held by Norths Basketball. If at any time you would like to access or correct the personal information that Norths Basketball holds about you, or you would like more information on Norths Basketball’s approach to privacy, please contact Norths Basketball’s Privacy Compliance Officer on the details set out in paragraph 11 below.

Norths Basketball will grant access to the extent required or authorised by the Privacy Act and take steps reasonable in the circumstances to correct personal information where necessary and appropriate.

To obtain access to your personal information:

(a)  you will have to provide proof of identity to ensure that personal information is provided only to the correct individuals and that the privacy of others is protected;

(b)  Norths Basketball requests that you be reasonably specific and accurate about the information you require; and,

(c)  Norths Basketball may charge you a reasonable administration fee, which reflects the cost to Norths Basketball for providing access in accordance with your request.

Norths Basketball will endeavour to respond to your request to access or correct your personal information within 30 days from your request.

10  Cookies

When accessing Norths Basketball or a related entity’s website, Norths Basketball uses ‘cookies’ which are small pieces of information sent from the website and stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies that Norths Basketball uses enable its systems to provide features of its services and allow you to visit its website without re- entering your username and/or password, personalise and improve your experience, and improve the functionality and user-friendliness of its services and monitor how its website is used through your computer.

This information is used by Norths Basketball to improve and tailor its website functionality and better understand how you interact with Norths Basketball products and services and to monitor aggregate usage and web traffic routing on its website. You can modify your browser setting by editing your browser options to reject Norths Basketball cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie. However, if a browser does not accept cookies or if you reject a cookie, some portions of Norths Basketball’s online services may not function properly.

11  How to contact us

For further information or enquiries regarding your personal information, or if you would like to opt-out of receiving any promotional or marketing communications you are currently receiving, please contact Norths Basketball’s Privacy Compliance Officer at:

Email: or
Phone: 02 9906 7877

12  Privacy complaints

Please direct all privacy complaints to Norths Basketball’s Privacy Compliance Officer. At all times, privacy complaints:

(a)  will be treated seriously;

(b)  will be dealt with promptly;

(c)  will be dealt with in a confidential manner; and

(d)  will not affect your existing obligations or affect the commercial arrangements between you and Norths Basketball.

Norths Basketball’s Privacy Compliance Officer will commence an investigation into your complaint. You will be informed of the outcome of your complaint following completion of the investigation. In the event that you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may refer the complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.